Il CEO di Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg ha annunciato poco fa l’acquisto dell’azienda Oculus VR per 2 miliardi di dollari, leader nella tecnologia della realtà virtuale.
“La missione è rendere il mondo negli anni più aperto e connesso. In questi ultimi anni ci siamo concentrati sullo sviluppo di applicazioni mobile per raggiungere questo scopo, tuttavia siamo arrivati a una posizione in cui ci si può concentrarsi sulle piattaforme che verranno dopo, per consentire ancora migliori, utili e divertenti esperienze personali”, afferma Mark nel comunicato.
Lo scopo di Oculus è quella di consentire la sperimentazione dell’impossibile, quando si indossa, l’attuale prototipo Oculus rift ti immerge completamente in un ambiente virtuale (Computer-generated) catapultandoti all’interno di un gioco, film o un luogo lontano. La loro tecnologia apre completamente spazio a nuovi tipi di esperienze, che vanno oltre alla concezione inizialmente predisposta per il gaming.
Immaginate di poter avere una consulenza con il vostro medico faccia a faccia, o seguire lezioni scolastiche con insegnati e alunni dall’altra parte del mondo, semplicemente indossando degli speciali occhiali; oltre la semplice condivisione di partite online, potremmo condividere intere avventure e esperienze di vita.
Un’innovazione che sarebbe unica nonché esclusiva nel suo genere, 10 anni fa era fantascienza, ora siamo vicini alla realtà!
Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale di Zuckerberg comparso sulla pagina Facebook (in inglese):
” I’m excited to announce that we’ve agreed to acquire Oculus VR, the leader in virtual reality technology.
Our mission is to make the world more open and connected. For the past few years, this has mostly meant building mobile apps that help you share with the people you care about. We have a lot more to do on mobile, but at this point we feel we’re in a position where we can start focusing on what platforms will come next to enable even more useful, entertaining and personal experiences.
This is where Oculus comes in. They build virtual reality technology, like the Oculus Rift headset. When you put it on, you enter a completely immersive computer-generated environment, like a game or a movie scene or a place far away. The incredible thing about the technology is that you feel like you’re actually present in another place with other people. People who try it say it’s different from anything they’ve ever experienced in their lives.
Oculus’s mission is to enable you to experience the impossible. Their technology opens up the possibility of completely new kinds of experiences.
Immersive gaming will be the first, and Oculus already has big plans here that won’t be changing and we hope to accelerate. The Rift is highly anticipated by the gaming community, and there’s a lot of interest from developers in building for this platform. We’re going to focus on helping Oculus build out their product and develop partnerships to support more games. Oculus will continue operating independently within Facebook to achieve this.
But this is just the start. After games, we’re going to make Oculus a platform for many other experiences. Imagine enjoying a court side seat at a game, studying in a classroom of students and teachers all over the world or consulting with a doctor face-to-face — just by putting on goggles in your home.
This is really a new communication platform. By feeling truly present, you can share unbounded spaces and experiences with the people in your life. Imagine sharing not just moments with your friends online, but entire experiences and adventures.
These are just some of the potential uses. By working with developers and partners across the industry, together we can build many more. One day, we believe this kind of immersive, augmented reality will become a part of daily life for billions of people.
Virtual reality was once the dream of science fiction. But the internet was also once a dream, and so were computers and smartphones. The future is coming and we have a chance to build it together. I can’t wait to start working with the whole team at Oculus to bring this future to the world, and to unlock new worlds for all of us.”